Chrudimská beseda and NIPOS invited us to the 62nd national show of adult choral singing CHORALIA 2021 Chrudim.
The show for adult choirs CHORALIA CHRUDIM 2021 aimed to be an open platform for all adult choirs that need to improve their level in the competitive and/or non-competitive (festival) category. The open show offered the possibility of improvement under the guidance of top judges and a teacher of joint singing.
The exhibition was held on behalf of and with the financial contribution of the Ministry of Culture, with the financial support of the Pardubice Region and under the auspices of the Minister of Culture.
A big surprise in the positive sense of the word were the very nice performances of all participating choirs (MALICHOR Holice, HARMONIE Louny, PILSEN VOICES, FOERSTER Mixed Choir Sokol Jihlava, GLORIA BRUNENSIS Brno and CANTORIA Prague. The excellent acoustic conditions of the Chrudimské besedy hall were complemented by the absolute winner the girls from the choir GLORIA BRUNENSIS with choirmaster Natália Chirilenco were the winners, but the winners were actually all those who fought through all the current difficulties to perform their repertoire on the concert stage.
Our choir Cantoria Praha also received a special award from the competition for their performance of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s composition “Bez Pori, Da Bez Vremeni”.